Last additions - Personal

Crying Shame404 viewsStrelitzia (Bird of Paradise) flower spotted in a park and taken with phone.Steve ColesJan 08, 2019

I Want to Break Free785 viewsSpotted and taken with phone - the climb down and back up to the hill fort to get my DSLR would have killed me!Steve ColesJan 08, 2019

He's Behind You!510 viewsFrom one of the 2016 photography evenings.Steve ColesOct 10, 2017

Pinhole Eclipse784 viewsThe 21/8/17 solar eclipse taken at 37,000 ft with a pinhole camera (the lens was a hole in my boarding card, made with a staple from a flight magazine, projected onto my iPad cover and then photographed with an iPhone). Not the most impressive eclipse picture but it presented an interesting challenge!Steve ColesAug 23, 2017

Our the Moon478 viewsNot a planned shot - just noticed the hang glider and fired.Steve ColesMay 23, 2017

Rainbow512 viewsWell, that's what it is!Steve ColesMay 23, 2017

20/3/15 Eclipse from Laurencekirk525 viewsTitle says it all, really. Not a spectacular picture artistically (nor technically, either) - more of a record shot.Steve ColesMar 20, 2015