Horsehead and Flame Nebulas818 viewsA combination of about 30 frames taken through Hydrogen and RGB filters. Exposure 15 minutes through 600mm focal length scope.Neal Weston
Calgary Beach-hut817 views6MP digital originalMark Woodfin
Falkirk Wheel809 views6MP digital originalMark Woodfin
Black Boots806 viewsOne for the Low Light competitionMartin Sim
You First!789 viewsTable top shot of 2 pepper 'mice' and the tempting cheese.Neal Weston
Wheel Arc784 viewsAt Grampian Transport Museum Sprint Day - all the cars were polished and looking good.Martin Sim
I Want to Break Free784 viewsSpotted and taken with phone - the climb down and back up to the hill fort to get my DSLR would have killed me!Steve Coles
Together we can see forever783 viewsThe Compact Array radio telescopes at Narrabri NSW, AustraliaNeal Weston
Pinhole Eclipse782 viewsThe 21/8/17 solar eclipse taken at 37,000 ft with a pinhole camera (the lens was a hole in my boarding card, made with a staple from a flight magazine, projected onto my iPad cover and then photographed with an iPhone). Not the most impressive eclipse picture but it presented an interesting challenge!1 commentsSteve Coles
Memorial Aurora779 viewsThis is the picture that gave me the greatest satisfaction when I got it back - it is a slide image. It was a shoot and hope situation and I was very lucky.Martin Sim
Three Pringles and a Glass of Red779 viewsAn idea for the 'Curves' comp. that came to me over a glass of red! BUT - a whole glass is full of circles - it HAD to be just half a glass. A picture of half a glass is not all that interesting - so that's when the Pringles were added - I almost wished I hadn't bothered - it took so long to get them to stand up! No glue.Martin Sim