Mearns Camera Club member Russell Adams sadly passed away in early 2022. Russell was a member of the club since 2008 and we shall miss him.
Here he is remembered by his good friend and fellow member Mike Reid.
“I am delighted to be asked to add a few words to the pictures on Russell’s gallery page.
Over the last ten years or more both myself and fellow member John McSevney have enjoyed Russell’s friendship, sharing photographic trips, spending many hours exploring interesting and beautiful places.
Russell was a lovely man, great company and will be much missed by us all.
His sense of humour and enjoyment of photography has been a pleasure to share. This trio of photographers were apparently known to some as: “The Last of the Summer Wine” or “The Three Musketeers” and one comment by Russell sticks in my mind when he said, “I like going out with Mike because you never know where you might end up”. We always had a good laugh together as well as the standard coffee and scone before setting out to take some photos.
Russell’s photography had been improving steadily from when we first met and since his acquisition of the Sony A7 it had enabled him to enjoy his hobby even more. Looking through the gallery should be an inspiration to other members.”
Mike Reid, March 2022